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Parish Ministries
Your acts of kindness may seem small, but the impact they will leave in the community will be huge.
Thank you for volunteering!

Altar Guild
Working behind the scenes, these "unsung heros" care for the altar, vestments, sacred vessels and linens of the church preparing for and clean up after services.

Readers read Scripture and prayers as part of the worship service.

A/V Tech
The Audio/Video Technician operates the computer and audio/video systems for the 10am contemporary worship service.

Parish Hosts
"Friendly" and "welcoming" are words that describes St. John's--beginning with your first step through the door. Those involved in this valuable ministry welcome, guide and are great resources when there are questions.

Communion Assistants
A Communion Assistant helps out at the altar during Communion attending to the supporting task as the altar table is prepared.

Stewardship Committee
This committee works to foster a culture of generous, intentional discipleship in time, talent and treasure among those at St. John's and its community. We also discuss financial strategy and budget that allows us to continue working in the ministries where God has called us to be.

Coffee Hosts
A warm beverage, a kind word and a sweet treat --Every Sunday after our 8 and 10 am services we serve some tasty treats that allow us to linger a bit and enjoy each other’s company

Music Ensembles
The music ensemble includes people who like to sing and offer up their time and gifts to enhance the liturgy. This group, that recreates itself for each occasion, provides music for special services throughout the year.
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